Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Adult Literacies Learner of the Year

Chloe McRoberts had great problems at school, and her dyslexia meant writing, spelling and numbers were always a real challenge.  These problems resulted in her struggling with attendance, motivation and concentration and she left school with no qualifications at the age of 15.

Her big ambition is to become a vet, so she knew things had to change.  On leaving secondary school she immediately enrolled with the Learning Shop where she received two sessions a week – one in literacy and one in numeracy.  She began to make great strides in her learning and understanding; progress with her writing and her growing confidence meant she was able to apply to Ayr College to take an English course.  She was accepted and has done extremely well, and she intends to continue with even more subjects next year.

Chloe knows she has a long way still to go to achieve her dream, but if her dedication and progress continue….she will get there!


Julia Wooley

ESOL Family Evening

On the 6th June 2013 we organised an ESOL family evening in the John Pollock Centre where our ESOL learners enjoyed a splendid night of entertainment, ate traditional international food and socialised with their Tutors.  Some of the learners with their Tutors organised activities such as a quiz, bingo and a comical performance where everyone was encouraged to practise their language skills.    The evening allowed learners to meet others from their native country and everyone agreed to organise a future ESOL social evening at Christmas.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Learning experience as volunteer tutors receive training certificates

Fifteen volunteer tutors, who want to help adults improve their literacy and numeracy skills, have received certificates for successfully completing a comprehensive training course here at The Learning Shop.

Mary Ballantine, Christine Bell, Amanda Caldwell, Hilary Christy, Jan Donaldson, Maggie Eccles, Mae Gemmell, Patricia MacKenzie, Anne McLellan, Margaret Mehta, Jacqueline Norris, Angela Pawlicka, Gerrard Platt, Lesley Shepherd and Lesley Valente all received their certificate from Councillor Margaret Toner, South Ayrshire Council’s Portfolio Holder for Lifelong Learning.

Councillor Toner said: “I’d like to thank the newly qualified tutors for their commitment to helping others and for the work they’re doing in supporting learners to improve their core literacy skills.

“These skills can make the difference between finding a job, or gaining promotion, can help parents support their children at school, or assist them with homework and the friendly tutors and a fun learning environment at the Learning Shop makes all the difference.

“In the last 10 years the Learning Shop has trained 500 tutors and worked with 2,300 learners, helping to change people’s lives for the better. It’s a tremendous achievement and I’m honoured to present the new tutors with their well-earned certificates.”

A birthday cake, complete with candles, marked the occasion and Councillor Toner was invited to blow out the candles and make a wish .... hopefully that The Learning Shop will still be providing literacies, English as a Second Language and IT support for another ten years at least!