Monday, 30 June 2014

ESOL Celebration Evening

On the 19th June 2014, we had the ESOL celebration evening in The John Pollock Centre Ayr. Greg Cassidy came along with Shona Howat from Ayrshire College to take part in our evening.   Greg presented some of our learners with certificates for gaining Access 2 accreditation.   

There was a fantastic buffet of international dishes and home baking.  Learners had the opportunity to work in class on recipes and instructions with their tutors prior to the evening.   This then helped them to write up their own recipe that they had prepared for the evening.  We had a variety of Indian, Chinese, Polish, Italian and Scottish food.

 The weather allowed the children to play in the court yard at the John Pollock Centre, whilst their parents got their ‘eyes down’ for a game of bingo.  This was also organised and presented by one of our ESOL groups.  The evening was a big success and I’d like to say a big thank you to Susan Wilson, Eileen Opiolka, Irene Lamont, Liza Donaldson and all our volunteer tutors for all their help that evening and for all their hard work during the year.

The ESOL courses will start again week commencing 18th August 2014.  If you have any queries, please contact the Learning Shop on 01292 263304.


Thursday, 19 June 2014

New windows!

If you haven't been past the Learning Shop recently the new windows are going in and they are lovely!

It's all go! The outside is taking shape, inside....different story!

Friday, 13 June 2014

What's happening now?!

Today the work men are preparing to install the first window
The stonework surrounding some of the windows has been put in place and looks wonderful
Work on the other windows is continuing and the new doors are still to be installed but over all the progress is good and should look very nice when completed
We'll add more pictures soon so please come back for an update. If you have any problems or questions please phone the usual shop number: 01292 263304
Thanks, Zoe

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Here's the latest!

The work is well and truly underway, this week has seen the old windows being removed and in some cases taken down to floor level. Thankfully the gaping holes have been boarded up again too, waiting on the shiny new windows that will be installed later in the month.
We have also displayed banners outside the shop with contact details and a reminder that we will be closed during June. The banners can be seen by people passing by on foot or coming over the bridge in cars and buses. A reminder of the contact number for us: 01292 263304

Thanks for checking in, come back soon,

Monday, 2 June 2014

Week One of the Learning Shop Closure

This is the first week of the closure of the Learning Shop due to our renovations.The picture above shows how things looked on Friday when Colin Coney took a photograph. Each week Colin will take pictures to map the progress being made and we will update this site regularly so you can share all the developments taking place. It's an exciting time for the building and we look forward to seeing the changes over the coming month. Check back soon for more information and meanwhile if you have any queries please phone the usual Learning Shop number on 01292 263304.

Thanks, Zoe