Friday, 19 December 2014

Wishing you all a lovely Festive break

The Learning Shop is closed from today, Friday 19th December, until the 5th January. Staff would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and thank all students and tutors for all their hard work this year. You make our work worthwhile. Thanks also to everyone who donated to our Cash for Kids Christmas jumper day. We raised £36.36 and Wendy kindly took the donation and dropped it off to West FM.
We hope that 2015 brings many good things and we look forward to seeing all our familiar faces and some new ones too. We will come back in January ready to do some interesting work and look forward to catching up after the festive break,
Have a good one, one and all!!!

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Volunteer Tutor Training

Nineteen tutors have just undertaken and completed the 11 week Tutor Training course – the largest number ever to finish the course. So well done to all those who took part!
·       ‘Very worthwhile’,
·       ‘I have learned to be more tolerant and understanding’
·       ‘I am more aware of other people’s challenges’
·       ‘Informative, educational and fun!’
·       ‘Great course’
·       ‘Illuminating and challenging’
·       ‘It helped me empathise with people who have learning and numeracy issues’
These are just some of the comments that were received from the feedback.  We now wish them luck as they undertake their final assessment and we look forward to working with those who have not yet been paired with a learner, in the New Year.

Eric and Julia

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Wednesday 17th December

Due to a staff meeting in the Learning Shop on Wednesday 17th December, unfortunately the shop will be closed until 1pm. Sorry for any inconvenience. Have a very Merry Christmas from all the Staff

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Festive fun for a good cause

On the 10th December we are having a Christmas jumper day! Please wear a Christmas jumper and join in the fun - make a small donation if you can and The Learning Shop will send all donations to Wesh FM Cash for kids. 'Tis the season!!