Friday, 30 June 2017

One Adult Learner's success story

The following was written by one of our learners in Maybole

"I live in Maybole and am in my mid-fifties. I have health problems which prevent me from working.

I initially made contact with CLD for Basic IT classes run by Adult Learning. I was anxious about my ability to learn and about being with other people in a group. However with encouragement and reassurance from staff I went along. Over time I became more comfortable, and was invited to a new Let’s Get Started group – a programme for confidence building, identifying skills and looking ahead. Again, I needed some persuasion but I agreed to go. I was quiet initially, and very anxious, however the staff and other participants helped me to settle and I completed the course.

I feel a big change. I am eating more healthily, getting out more and have my sense of humour back..  I felt confident enough to approach Adult Learning to ask for help with my reading and writing. I had never had the courage to admit to this before. I have now started literacy support with a  tutor and am making good progress. I have also started the Stress Busting course and enjoy  the routine, the company and learning.

I feel so much better about myself and have made new friends. I look forward to coming to the groups, it gives me routine and I have a laugh."

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

ESOL Awards

We recently held an awards evening for our ESOL learners who are always a very motivated group. We provide English lessons for people at beginner level and up until they are advanced enough to access college classes. We have also been providing family learning opportunities for those who have recently arrived in South Ayrshire.

We were joined by Claire Monaghan, Head of Communities for South Ayrshire Council, who presented students with their certificates.

Congratulations to all our ESOL learners on what they have achieved so far!


Claire Monaghan presenting some of our learners with their certificates.

The children from our family learning groups were also awarded for their learning and achievements!

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Open Event photos

We are delighted to say that our Open Event was a huge success, with current students, tutors and partners coming along to see the range of learning opportunities we have on offer. We were pleased to welcome a few new faces on the day too!

Arlene showed some interesting writing activities
Bryce took us through our paces with numeracy 

Gail showed how to find information online

Lesley provided opportunities for reading

Pauline, Karla and Lesley provided some fun family learning

And there was even some time to play!

Our thanks go to partners from South Ayrshire Council and SAC Community Learning and Development who added information stalls to our open day. Thanks also to Tesco who provided refreshments for all who attended!