Linda Muir – Literacy Manager
I have worked with Linda for over fifteen years since, in the ‘old days’, we were known as Supervising Tutors. Linda had the idea for a dedicated Adult Learning Centre, and after working from the old CERIC building on Whitletts Road, a small dingy room in the Wallace Tower, an office in Wellington Square and upstairs in the Carnegie Library, Linda’s dream became reality and the Learning Shop was opened 10 years ago. Adult Learning has come on leaps and bounds since then and from employing 4 workers with a total of less than 20 hours a week, we now have a team of ten. Things certainly have moved on!
As most of you will know Linda has announced that she is retiring. Is it a coincidence that since Linda announced her retirement, the Learning Shop has been covered in scaffolding?!!
Linda will be very much missed as a member of the Community Learning and Development staff; she has become very involved in partnership working and has made great links with local organisations over the years.
She has trained over 500 Volunteer Tutors, ensuring the service we offer is as professional as possible, and without these trained tutors we would not have been able to help 2300 learners!
Most of all she will be missed by the Learning Shop staff. She has been a great manager, as well as a confidante, mentor, friend, organiser and expert at party games! We all wish her a long and happy retirement. As you can imagine she will not be sitting back waiting for things to happen! She has exciting plans and I am sure she will treat this new phase of her life with great gusto!
We all wish you well Linda!
Julia Wooley
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